
Voici la liste des réalisations du Groupe de recherche sur l’analyse des précipitations hivernales.


  • Bélair, S., P. N. Feng, F. Lespinas, D. Khedhaouiria, D. Hudak, D. Michelson, C. Aubry, F. Beaudry, M. L. Carrera, et J. M. Thériault (2024). IMERG in the Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) System for Winter Applications. Atmosphere, 15, 763. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos15070763
  • Richards-Thomas, T. S., S. J. Déry, R. E. Stewart, et J. M Thériault (2024). Climatological Context of the Mid-November 2021 Floods in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. Weather and climate extremes, 45, 100705. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2024.100705
  • Beaudry, F. L., S. Bélair, J. M. Thériault, D. Khedhaouiria, F. Lespinas, D. Michelson, P.-N. Feng, et C. Aubry (2024). Impact of Assimilating Radar Solid Precipitation Data in The Canadian Precipitation Analysis System. Journal of hydrometeorology, 25, 1081-1097. https://doi.org/10.1175/jhm-d-23-0163.1
  • Bertoncini, A., J. W. Pomeroy, et J. M. Thériault (2024). A new GPM-DPR Algorithm to Estimate Snowfall in Mountain Regions. Journal of Geophysical Research. https://doi.org/10.22541/essoar.171535990.06146530/v1
  • Bédard-Therrien, A., F. Anctil, J. M. Thériault, O. Chalifour, O., F. Payette, A. Vidal, et D. F. Nadeau (2024). Leveraging a Disdrometer Network to Develop a Probabilistic Precipitation Phase Model in Eastern Canada. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-2024-78
  • Lachapelle, M., M. Cholette, et J. M. Thériault (2024). Effect of Secondary Ice Production Processes on the Simulation of ice pellets using the Predicted Particle Properties microphysics scheme. EGUsphere. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-594
  • Lachapelle, M., H. D. Thompson, N. R. Leroux, et J. M. Thériault (2024). Measuring ice pellets and refrozen wet snow using a laser-optical disdrometer. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 63, 65-84. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-22-0202.1
  • Roberge, F., A. Di Luca, R. Laprise, P. Lucas-Picher et J. M. Thériault (2024). Spatial spin-up of precipitation in limited-area convection-permitting simulations over North America using the CRCM6/GEM5.0 model. Geoscientific model development, 17, 1497-1510. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-1497-2024 ‌


  • Leroux, N., V. Vionnet, et J. M. Thériault (2023). Performance of precipitation phase partitioning methods and their impact on snowpack evolution in a humid continental climate. Hydrological Processes, 37, E15028. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.15028
  • Cardinal, É., J. M. Thériault, R. E. Stewart, H. D. Thompson, et S. J. Déry (2023). Climatology of and Factors Contributing to Occurrences of Near-0°C Temperatures and Associated Precipitation At and Near Terrace, British Columbia, Canada. Atmosphere-Ocean, 62, 145-164. https://doi.org/10.1080/07055900.2023.2270560
  • Feng, P., S. Bélair, D. Khedhaouiria, F. Lespinas, E. Mekis, et J. M. Thériault (2023). Impact of adjusted and non-adjusted surface observations on the cold season performance of the Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) System. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 25, 27-45. https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-23-0070.1
  • Thériault, J. M., N. R. Leroux, O. Tchuem Tchuente, et R. E. Stewart (2023). Characteristics of Rain-Snow Transitions Over the Canadian Rockies and their Changes in Warmer Climate Conditions. Atmosphere-Ocean, 62, 352-367. https://doi.org/10.1080/07055900.2023.2251938
  • Minder, J. R., N, Bassill, F. Fabry, J. R. French, K. Friedrich, I. Gultepe, J. Gyakum, D. E. Kingsmill, K. Kosiba, M. Lachapelle, D. Michelson, L. Nichman, C. Nguyen, J. M. Thériault, A. C. Winters, M. Wolde, et J. Wurman (2023). P-Type Processes and Predictability: The Winter Precipitation Type Research Multiscale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX), Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104, E1469-E1492. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0095.1
  • Thompson, H. D., J. M. Thériault, S. J. Déry, R. E. Stewart, D. Boisvert, L. Rickard, N. R. Leroux, M. Colli, et V. Vionnet (2023). Atmospheric and surface observations during the Saint John River Experiment on Cold Season Storms (SAJESS), Earth Systeme Science Data, 15, 5785‑5806. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-15-5785-2023
  • Stewart, R. E., Z. Liu, D. Painchaud-Niemi, J. Hanesiak, et J. M. Thériault (2023). Adhering Solid Precipitation in the Current and Pseudo-Global Warming Future Climate over the Canadian Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Atmosphere, 14, 396. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14020396
  • Stewart, R. E., Z. Liu, J. M. Thériault, et C. J. Ruman (2023). The Occurrence of Near-0°C Surface Air Temperatures in the Current and Pseudo-Global Warming Future Over Southern Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere, 128, e2022JD037981. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD037981
  • Marinier, S., J. M. Thériault, et K. Ikeda (2023). Changes in freezing rain occurrence over eastern Canada using convection-permitting climate simulations. Climate Dynamics, 60, 1369-1384. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06370-6


  • Thériault, J. M., N. R. Leroux, R. E. Stewart, A. Bertoncini, S. J. Déry, J. W. Pomeroy, H. D. Thompson, H. Smith, Z. Mariani, A. Desroches-Lapointe, S. Mitchell, et J. Almonte (2022). Storms and Precipitation Across the continental Divide Experiment (SPADE). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103, E2628-E2649. https://doi.org/10.1175/bams-d-21-0146.1
  • Vionnet, V., M. Verville, V. Fortin, M. Brugman, M. Abrahamowicz, F. Lemay, J. M. Thériault, M. Lafaysse, et J. A. Milbrandt (2022). Snow Level From Post‐Processing of Atmospheric Model Improves Snowfall Estimate and Snowpack Prediction in Mountains. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021wr031778. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021wr031778
  • Chen, T., A. Di Luca, K. Winger, R. Laprise, et J. M. Thériault (2022). Seasonality of Continental Extratropical‐Cyclone Wind Speeds Over Northeastern North America. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098776. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022gl098776
  • McCray, C. D., D. Paquin, E. Bresson, et J. M. Thériault (2022). A multi-algorithm analysis of projected changes to freezing rain over North America in an ensemble of regional climate model simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere, 127, e2022jd036935. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD036935
  • McCray, C., J. M. Thériault, D. Paquin, et E. Bresson (2022). Quantifying the impact of precipitation- type algorithm selection on the representation of freezing rain in an ensemble of regional climate model simulations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61, 1107-1122. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-21-0202.1
  • Lachapelle, M. et J. M. Thériault (2022). Characteristics of precipitation particles and microphysical processes during the 11-12 January 2020 ice pellet storm in the Montreal Area, Quebec, Canada. Monthly Weather Review, 150, 1043-1059. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-21-0185.1
  • Chartrand, J., J. M. Thériault, et S. Marinier (2022). Freezing rain events impacting the Province of New Brunswick, Canada and their evolution in a warmer climate. Atmosphere-Ocean, 61, 40-56. https://doi.org/10.1080/07055900.2022.2092444
  • Thériault, J. M., V. McFadden, H. D. Thompson, et M. Cholette (2022). Meteorological factors responsible for major power outages during a severe freezing rain storm over Eastern Canada. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61, 1239-1255. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-21-0217.1
  • Hanesiak, J., R. E. Stewart, D. Painchaud-Niemi, S. Milrad, G. Liu, M. Vieria, J. M. Thériault, M. Colette, et K. Ziolkowski (2022). The Severe Multi-Day October 2019 Snow Storm Over Southern Manitoba, Canada. Atmosphere-Ocean, 60, 65-87. https://doi.org/10.1080/07055900.2022.2060794
  • Kochendorfer, J., M. Earle, R. Rasmussen, C. Smith, D. Yang, S. Morin, E. Mekis, S. Buisan, Y. Roulet, S. Landolt, M. Wolff, J. Hoover, J. M. Thériault, G. Lee, B. Baker, R. Nitu, L. Lanza, M. Colli, et T. Meyers (2022). How Well are We Measuring Snow Post-SPICE? Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103, E370-E388. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0228.1


  • Leroux, N. R., J. M. Thériault, et R. Rasmussen (2021). Improvement of Snowgauge Collection Efficiency through a knowledge of Solid Precipitation Fallspeed. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22, 997-1006. https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-20-0147.1
  • Thériault, J. M., N. R. Leroux, et R. Rasmussen (2021). Improvement of solid precipitation measurements using a hotplate precipitation gauge. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22, 877-885. https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-20-0168.1
  • Thériault, J. M., S. J. Déry, J. W. Pomeroy, H. M. Smith, J. Almonte, A. Bertoncini, R. W. Crawford, A.Desroches Lapointe, M. Lachapelle, Z. Mariani, S. Mitchell, J. Morris, C. Hébert-Pinard, P. Rodriguez, et H. D. Thompson (2021). Meteorological observations collected during the Storms and Precipitation Across the continental Divide Experiment (SPADE), April-June 2019. Earth System Science Data, 13, 1233-1249. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-1233-2021
  • Cholette, M. et J. M. Thériault (2021). Changes in precipitation type distributions during the 1998 Ice Storm simulated under warmer conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere, 126, e2020JD033577. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033577
  • DeBeer, C. M., H. S. Wheater, J. W. Pomeroy, A. G. Barr, J. L. Baltzer, J. F. Johnstone, M. R. Turetsky, R. E. Stewart, M. Hayashi, G. Van der Kamp, S. Marshall, E. Campbell, P. Marsh, S. K. Carey, W. L. Quinton, Y. Li, S. Razavi, A. Berg, J. J. McDonnell, C. Spence, W. D. Helgason, A. M. Ireson, T. A. Black, M. Elshamy, F. Yassin, B. Davison, A.Howard, J. M. Thériault, K. Shook, M. N. Demuth, et A. Pietroniro (2021). Summary and synthesis of Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada – Part 2: Future change in cryosphere, vegetation, and hydrology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25, 1849-1882. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-1849-2021


  • Cholette, M., J. M. Thériault, H. Morrison, et J. A. Milbrandt (2020). Impacts of predicting the liquid fraction of mixed-phase particles on the simulation of an extreme freezing rain event: the 1998 North American Ice Storm, Monthly Weather Review, 148, 3799-3823. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-20-0026.1
  • Colli, M., M. Stagnaro, L. G. Lanza, R. Rasmussen, et J. M. Thériault (2020). Adjustments for wind induced undercatch in snowfall measurements based on precipitation intensity. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21, 1039-1050. https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-19-0222.1
  • Mekis, E., R. E. Stewart, J. M. Thériault, B. Kochtubajda, B. R. Bonsal, et Z. Liu (2020). Near-0°C surface temperature and precipitation type patterns across Canada, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 1741-1761. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-24-1741-2020


  • Poirier, E., J. M. Thériault, et M. Leriche (2019). Role of sublimation on a rain-snow transition in the Kananaskis Valley, Alberta. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 4097-4111. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-4097-2019
  • Stewart, R. E., K. K. Szeto, B. R. Bonsal, J. M. Hanesiak, B. Kochtubajda, Y. Li, J. M. Thériault, C. M. DeBeer, B. Y. Tam, Z. Li, Z. Liu, J. A. Bruneau, P. Duplessis, S. Marinier, et D. Matte (2019). A Review and Synthesis of Future Earth System Change in the Interior of Western Canada: Part I – Climate and Meteorology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-2019-51
  • St-Pierre, M., J. M. Thériault, et D. Paquin (2019). Influence of the model spatial resolution on atmospheric conditions leading to freezing rain in regional climate simulations. Atmosphere-Ocean, 57, 101-119. https://doi.org/10.1080/07055900.2019.1583088
  • Cholette, M., H. Morrison, J. A. Milbrandt, et J. M. Thériault (2019). Parameterization of the Bulk Liquid Fraction on Mixed-Phase Particles in the Predicted Particle Properties (P3) Scheme: Description and Idealized Simulations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 76, 561-582. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-18-0278.1


  • Thériault, J. M., I. Hung, P. Vaquer, R. E. Stewart, et J. W. Pomeroy (2018). Precipitation characteristics and associated weather conditions on the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies during March–April 2015. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 4491-4512. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-22-4491-2018
  • Matte, D., J. M. Thériault, et R. Laprise (2018). Climate change study of mixed precipitation over southern Quebec using a Regional Climate Model. Climate Dynamics, 53, 1125-1141. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4231-2
  • Barszcz, A., J. A. Milbrandt, et J. M. Thériault (2018). Improving the explicit prediction of freezing rain in a km-scale numerical weather prediction model. Weather and Forecasting, 33, 767-782. https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-17-0136.1


  • Li, Y., K. Szeto, R. E. Stewart, J. M. Thériault, L. Chen, B. Kochtubajda, A. Liu, S Boodoo, R. Goodson, C. Mooney, et S. Kurkute (2017). A numerical study of the June 2013 flood-producing extreme rainstorm over southern Alberta. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18, 2057-2078. http://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-15-0176.1
  • Bresson, E., R. Laprise, D. Paquin, J. M. Thériault, et R. De Elia (2017). Evaluating CRCM5 ability to simulate mixed precipitation. Atmosphere-Ocean, 55, 79-93. http://doi.org/10.1080/07055900.2017.1310084


  • Matte, D., R. Laprise, et J. M. Thériault (2016). Comparison between high-resolution climate simulations using single and double nesting within the Big-Brother experimental protocol. Climate Dynamics, 47, 3613-3626. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-016-3031-9
  • Sankaré, H. et J. M. Thériault (2016). On the relationship between the snowflake type aloft and the surface precipitation types at temperatures near 0 ° C. Atmospheric Research, 180, 287-296. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.06.003
  • Matte, D., R. Laprise, J. M. Thériault, et P. Lucas-Picher. (2016). Spatial spin-up of fine scales in a regional climate model simulation driven by low-resolution boundary conditions. Climate Dynamics, 49, 563-574. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-016-3358-2
  • Colli, M., , L. G. Lanza, R. Rasmussen, et J. M. Thériault (2016). The collection efficiency of shielded and unshielded precipitation gauges: Part 1: CDF airflow modeling. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17, 231-243. http://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-15-0010.1
  • Colli, M., L. G. Lanza, R. Rasmussen, et J. M. Thériault (2016). The collection efficiency of shielded and unshielded precipitation gauges: Part 2: Modeling particle trajectories. Journal of Hydrometeoroly, 17, 245-255. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-15-0011.1
  • Liu, A., C. Mooney, K. Szeto, J. M. Thériault, B. Kochtubajda, R. E. Stewart, S. Boodoo, R. Goodson, Y. Li, et J. Pomeroy (2016). The June 2013 Alberta Catastrophic Flooding Event: Part 1 – Climatological aspects and hydrometeorological features. Hydrological Processes, 30, 4899-4916. http://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.10906
  • Kochtubajda, B., R. E. Stewart, S. Boodoo, J. M. Thériault, Y. Li, A. Liu, C. Mooney, R. Goodson, et K. Szeto (2016). The June 2013 Alberta Catastrophic Flooding Event: Part 2 – Fine-scale precipitation and associated features. Hydrological Processes, 30, 4917-4933. http://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.10855


  • Colli, M., R. Rasmussen, J. M. Theriault, L. G. Lanza, C. B. Baker, et J. Kochendorfer (2015). An improved trajectory model to evaluate the collection performance of snow gauges. Journal Of Applied Meteorology And Climatology, 54, 1826-1836. http://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0035.1
  • St-Pierre, M. et J. M. Thériault (2015). Clarification of the water saturation represented on ice crystal growth diagrams. Journal of the atmospheric sciences, 72, 2608-2611. http://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-14-0357.1
  • Thériault, J. M., J. A. Milbrandt, J. Doyle, J. R. Minderc, G. Thompson, N. Sarkadi, et I. Geresdie (2015). Impact of melting snow on the valley flow field and precipitation phase transition. Atmospheric Research, 156, 111-124. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.12.006
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, E. Petro, J-Y. Trépanier, M. Colli, et L. G. Lanza (2015). Impact of wind direction, wind speed, and particle characteristics on the collection efficiency of the double fence intercomparison reference. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 54, 1918-1930. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0034.1
  • Stewart, R. E., J. M. Thériault, et W. Henson (2015). On the characteristics of and processes producing winter precipitation types near 0 ° C. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96, 623-639. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00032.1
  • Cholette, M., R. Laprise, et J. M. Thériault (2015). Perspectives for kilometer-scale regional climate simulations and projections: Illustration of potential in simulating St. Lawrence River Valley channeling winds with the Canadian Regional Climate Model. Climate, 32, 283-307. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/cli3020283


  • Milbrandt, J., J. M. Thériault, et R. Mo (2014). Modeling the phase transition associated with melting snow in a 1D kinematic framework: Sensitivity to the microphysics. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171, 303-322. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-012-0552-y
  • Gultepe I., G. A. Isaac, P. Kucera, J. M. Thériault, et T. Fisico (2014). Roundhouse (RND) mountain-top research site during SNOW-V10: Measurements an uncertainties. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171, 59-85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00024-012-0582-5
  • Joe, P., B. Scott, C. Doyle, G. Isaac, I. Gultepe, D. Forsyth, S. Cober, E. Campos, I, Heckman, N. Donaldson, D. Hudak, R. Rasmussen, P. Kucera, R. Steward, J. M. Thériault, T. Fisico, K. L. Rasmussen, H. Carmichael, A. Laplante, M. Bailey, et F. Boudala (2014). The monitoring network of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171, 25-58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00024-012-0588-z
  • Thériault, J. M., K. Rasmussen, T. Fisico, R. E. Stewart, P. Joe, I. Gultepe, M. Clément, et G. A. Isaac (2014). Weather observations along Whistler Mountain in five storms during SNOWV10. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171,129-155. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00024-012-0590-5


  • Muhlbauer, A., W. W. Grabowski, S. P. Malinowski, T. P. Ackerman, G. H. Bryan, Z. J. Lebo, J. A. Milbrandt6, H. Morrison, M. Ovchinnikov, S. Tessendorf, J. M. Thériault, et G.Thompson (2013). Reexamination of the state of the art of cloud modeling shows real improvements. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94, ES45-ES48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00188.1


  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, T. Smith, R. Mo, J. A. Milbrandt, M. M. Brugman, P. Joe, G. A. Isaac, J. Mailhot, et B. Denis (2012). A case study of processes impacting precipitation phase and intensity during the Vancouver 2010 winter Olympics. Weather and Forecasting, 27, 1301-1325. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-11-00114.1
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, K. Ikeda, et S. Landolt (2012). Dependence of snow gauge collection efficiency on snowflake characteristics. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 51, 745-762. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-11-0116.1
  • Rasmussen, R., B. Baker, J. Kochendorfer, T. Meyers, S. Landolt, A. P. Fischer, J. Black, J. M. Thériault, P. Kucera, D. Gochis, C. Smith, R. Nitu, M. Hall, K. Ikeda, et E. Gutmann (2012). How well are we measuring snow: The NOAA / FAA / NCAR winter precipitation testbed. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93, 811-829. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00052.1
  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, et W. Henson (2012). Impacts of terminal velocity on the trajectory of winter precipitation types. Atmospheric Research, 116, 116-129. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.03.008



  • Thériault, J. M. et R. E. Stewart (2010). A parameterization of the microphysical processes forming many types of winter precipitation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67, 1492-1508. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/2009JAS3224.1
  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, et W. Henson (2010). On the dependence of winter precipitation types on temperature, precipitation rate, and associated features. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49, 1429-1442. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/2010JAMC2321.1


  • Thériault, J. M. et R. E. Stewart (2007). On the effects of vertical air velocity on winter precipitation types. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 7, 231-242. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/nhess-7-231-2007


  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, J. A. Milbrandt, and M. K. Yau (2006). On the simulation of winter precipitation types. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111, e2005JD006665. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2005JD006665
  • Shea, J., D. Sims, C. Aubry-Wake, M. Dicker, S. Gruber, P. B. Jerome, P. Joe, G. M. J. Johnson, S. Johnston, M. Koppes, D. Kraus, K. Lightning, C. Marsh, S. Marshall, B. Mayes, M. E. Sánchez, L. Somers, W. Pascal, K. St. Pierre, K. Sudlow, H. M.Tallow, J. M. Thériault, A. Trant, V. Vionnet, et J. Waldron (2023). Mountain Environments. In McDowell, G., M. Stevens, S. Marshall et al. (eds.). Mountain Weather Research and Forecasting: Recent Progress and Current Challenges (chapitre 2). University of Calgary Press. https://ucp.manifoldapp.org/projects/9781773855103
  • Stoelinga M.T., R.E. Steward, G. Thompson et J. M. Thériault (2013). Microphysical processes within orographic cloud and precipitation systems. In Chow, F. K., S. F. J. De Wekker, et B. J. Snyder (eds.). Mountain Weather Research and Forecasting: Recent Progress and Current Challenges (pp. 345-408). Dordrecht: Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-007-4098-3
  • Rasmussen, R., Baker, B., Kochendorfer, J., et al. (2014). Methodology to use and unshielded and Alter shielded snowgauge to estimate true snowfall (R3) for SPICE.
  • Nitu, R., Y.-A. Roulet, M. Wolff, M. Earle, A. Reverdin, C. Smith, J. Kochendorfer, S. Morin, R. Rasmussen, K. Wong, J. Alastrué, L. Arnold, B. Baker, S. Buisán, J.L. Collado, M. Colli, B. Collins, A. Gaydos, H.-R. Hannula, J. Hoover, P. Joe, A. Kontu, T. Laine, L. Lanza, E. Lanzinger, GW Lee, Y. Lejeune, L. Leppänen, E. Mekis, J.-M. Panel, A. Poikonen, S. Ryu, F. Sabatini, J. Theriault, D. Yang, C. Genthon, F. van den Heuvel, N. Hirasawa, H. Konishi, H. Motoyoshi, S. Nakai, K. Nishimura, A. Senese et K. Yamashit. (2018). World Meteorological Organization Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (SPICE) (2012-2015).1445. World Meteorological Organization. https://library.wmo.int/records/item/56317-wmo-solid-precipitation-intercomparison-experiment-spice-2012-2015


  • Basnet, S. et J. M. Thériault (2024). On the impact of the latent heat release on the accumulated freezing rain at the surface. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress Virtual [Price for the best student poster presentation].
  • Thériault, J. M. (2024). Rôle de la microphysique sur la sévérité des tempêtes hivernales. Congrès sur la recherche hydrologique au Québec (RHQ), Montréal, Québec, Canada [Invited].
  • Thériault, J. M., M. Girouard, M. Lachapelle, H. Thompson, J. R. Gyakum, Y. Low, J. E. M. Wray, et D. Fraser (2024). Atmospheric Conditions and Precipitation Types Observed during the April 2023 Ice Storm over Montreal, Quebec, Canada. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
  • Gyakum, J. R., Y. Low, J. E. M. Wray, D. Fraser, J. M. Thériault, M. Lachapelle, M. Girouard, et H. Thompson (2024). Synoptic and Mesoscale Conditions Associated with the Major Ice Storm of April 5 and 6 2023 in eastern Ontario and southern Quebec. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  • Thériault, J. M. (2024). Precipitation amount and types during near-0°C storms. Medium-long Range Aircraft Platform for Environmental Research (MAPLE) Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


  • Guilpart, E.,  J. M. Thériault, A. Di Luca, et F. Roberge (2023). Evaluation of the Precipitation Simulated by the Version Sixth of Canadian Regional Climate Model using multiple datasets over western part of Canada. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States.
  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, E. Cardinal, G. Liu, C. J. Ruman, S. J. Déry, et H. D. Thompson (2023). Characterization of the near-0°C conditions across Canada. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berlin, Germany.
  • Girouard, M., M. Lachapelle, J. M. Thériault, I. Gultepe, et J. Minder (2023). Fine-scale factors associated with precipitation type transitions during a winter storm over southern Québec, Canada. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, St. John’s, Terre-Neuve, Canada [2nd price poster CMOS]
  • Chalifour, O., J. M. Thériault, B. Music, A. Bédard-Therrien, D. F. Nadeau, et F. Roberge (2023). Analysis of precipitation amount and phase simulated by a high-resolution climate model. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, St. John’s, Terre-Neuve, Canada.
  • Serralheiro-O’Neill, B., J. M. Thériault, B. Music, et K. Winger (2023). The atmospheric water cycle at river basin scales over Eastern Canada simulated by a high-resolution regional climate model. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, St. John’s, Terre-Neuve, Canada.
  • Beaudry, F., S. Bélair, et J. M. Thériault (2023). Assimilation of radars for solid precipitation in the Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) system and assessment of their impact. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, St. John’s, Terre-Neuve, Canada.
  • Aubry, C., S. Bélair, et J. M. Thériault (2023). Impacts of using adjusted solid precipitation amounts for wind speed undercatch on the Canadian Precipitation Analysis system (CaPA). Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, St. John’s, Terre-Neuve, Canada.
  • Feng, P.-N., S. Bélair, J. M. Thériault, E. Mekis, D. Khedhaouiria, et F. Lespinas (2023). Improvement of Surface Precipitation Estimates by the Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) during the Cold Season. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, St. John’s, Terre-Neuve, Canada.
  • Lachapelle, M., J. M. Thériault, et M. Cholette (2023). Simulations of ice pellets with the Predicted Particle Properties (P3) microphysical scheme. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, St. John’s, Terre-Neuve, Canada.
  • Beaudry, F., S. Bélair, et J. M. Thériault (2023). Assimilation of radars for solid precipitation on the Canadian Precipitation Analysis System (CaPA) and assessment of their impact. 48th Annual Northeastern Storm Conference, Burlington, Vermont, United States.
  • Serralheiro-O’Neill, B., J. M. Thériault, B. Music, et K. Winger (2023). The atmospheric water cycle at the river basin scale simulated by a high-resolution regional climate model. 48th Annual Northeastern Storm Conference, Burlington, Vermont, United States.
  • Chalifour, O., J. M. Thériault, B. Music, A. Bédard-Therrien, D. F. Nadeau, et F. Roberge (2023). Analysis of precipitation amount and phase simulated by a high-resolution climate model. 48th Annual Northeastern Storm Conference, Burlington, Vermont, United States.
  • Lachapelle, M., N. R. Leroux, H. D. Thompson, et J. M. Thériault (2023). Measurement of ice pellet fall speed using a laser-optical disdrometer. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United States. [2nd place, best student presentation]
  • Minder, J. R., N. P. Bassill, F. Fabry, J. R. French, K. Friedrich, I. Gultepe, J. R. Gyakum, D. E. Kingsmill, K. A. Kosiba, M. Lachapelle, D. Michelson, L. Nichman, C. Nguyen, J. M. Thériault, A. C. Winters, M. Wolde, et J. Wurman (2023). P-Type Processes and Predictability: The Winter Precipitation Type Research Multiscale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX). American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United States.
  • Girouard, M., M. Lachapelle, J. M. Thériault, I. Gultepe, J. R. Minder, et A. C. Winters (2023). Microphysical and Mesoscale Processes for an Ice Pellet and Freezing Rain Storm During the 2022 WINTRE-MIX Field Campaign in Southern Quebec, Canada. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United States.
  • Friedrich, K., J. R. Minder, J. Wurman, K. A. Kosiba, J. R. French, D. E. Kingsmill, A. C. Winters, N. P. Bassill, J. M. Thériault, et J. R. Gyakum (2023). Variability of Mesoscale Cloud and Precipitation Structures during Near-Freezing Surface Conditions Using Ground-Based Radar Observations from WINTRE-MIX. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United States.
  • Fagerson, A., K. Friedrich, K. A. Kosiba, A. C. Winters, J. Wurman, J. R. Minder, J. M. Thériault, and J. R. Gyakum (2023). Airflow Dynamics during a Mixed-Phase Winter Precipitation Event Using Radar Observations from WINTRE-MIX. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United States.
  • Gyakum, J. R., J. M. Thériault, D. J. Kirshbaum, M. K. Yau, S. Dery, H. Larsson, and V. Meunier (2023) A New Requestable Adaptable Earth Observation System. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, United States.


  • Bédard-Therrien, A., F. Payette, A. Vidal, J. M. Thériault, F. Anctil and D. Nadeau (2022) Operational partitioning of precipitation phase using machine learning. American Geophysical Union General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, United States.
  • Thériault, J. M. (2022). Microphysique des nuages et précipitations durant la saison froide, Symposium Ouranos. Ville de Québec, Québec, Canada [InvitedMcCray, C. D., D. Paquin, J. M. Thériault, et E. Bresson (2022). A multi-algorithm analysis of projected changes to freezing rain over North America in an ensemble of regional climate model simulations. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 54th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union and the 78th Easthern Snow Conference, Joint Virtual Meeting.
  • Richards-Thomas, T., S. J. Déry, R. E. Stewart and J. M. Thériault (2022). The climatological context of the mid-November 2021 floods in BC, Canada,  Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 54th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union and the 78th Easthern Snow Conference, Joint Virtual Meeting.
  • Hurley, K., J. Morris, E. Cardinal, D. Gilbert, A. Kaveney, B. Sobral, J. M. Thériault, H. D. Thompson, et S. J. Déry (2022). The Tahtsa Ranges Atmospheric River Experiment (TRARE). Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 54th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union and the 78th Easthern Snow Conference, Joint Virtual Meeting.
  • Leroux, N. R., V. Vionnet, J. M. Thériault, H. D. Thompson, D. Boisvert, L. Rickard, S. J. Déry, et R. E. Stewart (2022). Complex precipitation phase and impact on snowpack evolution in Eastern Canada. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 54th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union and the 78th Easthern Snow Conference, Joint Virtual Meeting.
  • Vionnet, V., M. Verville, V. Fortin, F. Lemay, M. M. Brugman, et J. M. Thériault (2022). Precipitation phase from atmospheric model improves snowfall estimates across Canada. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 54th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union and the 78th Easthern Snow Conference, Joint Virtual Meeting.
  • Thériault, J. M., H. D. Thompson, N. R. Leroux, D. Boisvert, L. Rickard, S. J. Déry, R. E. Stewart, et V. Vionnet (2022). Overview of the Saint John River Experiment on Cold Season Storms (SAJESS). Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 54th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union and the 78th Easthern Snow Conference, Joint Virtual Meeting.
  • Chen, T.-C., A. Di Luca, K. Winger, R. Laprise, et J. M. Thériault (2022). Seasonality of continental extratropical-cyclone wind speeds over northeastern North America. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 54th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union and the 78th Easthern Snow Conference, Joint Virtual Meeting.
  • Cardinal, É., J. M. Thériault, et R. E. Stewart (2022). Climatology of and factors contributing to occurrences of near-0°C conditions at Terrace, British Columbia, Canada. Annual Global Water Futures Meeting.
  • Nambiar, M. K., J. M. Thériault, et A. Di Luca (2022) Comparison of different satellite-derived precipitation products over the Western Canada. Annual Global Water Futures Meeting.
  • Ruman, C. J., et J. M. Thériault (2022). Investigation of wet snow events leading to power outages over New Brunswick using convection-permitting simulations. Annual Global Water Futures Meeting.
  • Bertoncini, A, J. M. Thériault, et J. W. Pomeroy (2022). Establishing Snowfall-Reflectivity Relationships for Different Hydrometeor Particle Size Distributions in the Fortress Mountain Snow Laboratory. Annual Global Water Futures Meeting.
  • Thompson, H. D., N. R. Leroux, et J. M. Thériault (2022). A mixed-phase precipitation deployment of a Multi Angle Snowflake Camera. Annual Global Water Futures Meeting.


  • Thériault, J. M. (2021). Advances in Spatial Meteorological Forcing Data, Global Water Futures Core Modelling Webinar Series, Virtual. [Invited]
  • Thériault, J. M. et S. Marinier (2021). Hazardous winter precipitation occurrence over Eastern Canada using convection-permitting climate simulations. Convection-permitting Model Workshop, Japan. [Invited]
  • Thériault, J. M., N. R. Leroux, A. Bertoncini, H. D. Thompson, H. Smith, S. J. Déry, R. E. Steward, et J. W. Pomeroy (2021). Storms and precipitation across the continental divide southern Canadian Rockies. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation – Virtual Conference, India.
  • Cholette, M., J. M. Thériault, J. A. Milbrandt, et H. Morrison (2021). Simulations of microphysical processes and precipitation types produced during ahigh impact freezing rain event using the prediction of liquid fraction on ice particles. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation – Virtual Conference, India.
  • Lachapelle, M., et J. M. Thériault (2021). Measurements and formation mechanisms of ice pellets. International Conferences on Clouds and Precipitation, India.
  • Thériault, J. M. (2021). Mesures et observations des précipitations hivernales. Atelier Neige, CentrEau, Canada, Virtual.
  • Poingt, J., J. M. Thériault and N. R. Leroux. (2021). Near-0C conditions during the Saint John River Experiment on Cold Season Storms (SAJESS). GWF Annual Meeting, Canada, Virtual.
  • Thériault, J. M., N. R. Leroux, H. Thompson, M. Cholette, A. Di Luca, et K. Winger (2021). Simulation of precipitation during near-0°C storms. Global Water Futures Annual Meeting, Canada, Virtual.
  • Leroux, N. R., Bertoncini, J. M. Thériault, S. J. Déry, R. E. Stewart, and H. D. Thompson. (2021). Characterization of spring storms across the continental divide of the Canadian Rockies. Global Water Futures Annual Meeting, Canada, Virtual.
  • Nambiar, M., M. Cholette, J. M. Thériault, A. Di Luca, K. Winger, N. R. Leroux and H. D. Thompson. (2021). Evaluation of high-resolution Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model simulations using observations and reanalysis. Global Water Futures Annual Meeting, Canada, Virtual.
  • Thériault, J. M., N. R. Leroux, H. D Thompson, D. Boisvert, J. Poingt, L. Rickard, V. Vionnet and S. J. Déry (2021). Comparison of precipitation measurements during the Saint John River Experiment on Cold Season Storms (SAJESS). CMOS Annual Congress, Canada, Virtual.
  • Leroux, N. R., J. M. Thériault, M. Cholette, A. Di Luca, et H. D. Thompson (2021). Under which conditions do westward moving storms cross the continental divide between Alberta and British Columbia? A case study of two spring storms during 2019. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress Online, Canada.
  • McCray, C. D., J. M. Thériault, D. Paquin, et E. Bresson (2021). Quantifying the impact of Precipitation type algorithm selection on projected changes to freezing rain events in an ensemble of regional climate model simulations. CMOS Congress, Canada.
  • Lachapelle, M., et J. M. Thériault (2021). Characteristics of precipitation particles and microphysical processes during an ice pellet storm. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress Online, Canada.
  • Desroches Lapointe, A., J. M. Thériault, Z. Mariani, et N. R. Leroux (2021). Investigation of the fine-scale flow field in the Canadian Rockies using Doppler Lidar during spring precipitation events. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress Online, Canada.
  • Leroux, N. R., J. M. Thériault, M. Cholette, M., A. Di Luca, K. Winger, H. D. Thompson, et V. Vionnet (2021). Hydrometeor trajectories and depositions during a cold season storm over the Canadian Rockie. Americal Meteorological Society Annual meeting, United States.
  • McCray, C. D., J. M. Thériault, D. Paquin, et E. Bresson (2021). Quantifying the impact of precipitation type algorithm selection on projected changes to freezing rain events in an ensemble of RCM simulations. Annual American Meteorological Society, Virtual Meeting, United States.
  • Vionnet, V., V. Fortin, M. Verville, M. Brugman, M. Abrahamowicz, D. Deacu, M. Lafaysse, J. M. Thériault, et J. Milbrandt (2021). Impact of Phase Partitioning Methods on Snowpack Modeling across the Canadian Cordillera. Annual American Meteorological Society, Virtual Meeting, United States.


  • Leroux, N. R., O. Chalifour, A. Desroches Lapointe, et J. M. Thériault (2020). Estimation of snowfall deposition in mountainous terrain using a CFD model with a stochastic Lagranfian particle tracking model. American Meteorological Society virtual Mountain Meteorology conference.
  • Leroux, N. R., J. M. Thériault, et A. Desroches-Lapointe (2020). Snowflake particle trajectory in complex terrain using a computational fluid dynamics model. Global Water Futures Third Annual Open Science Meeting – Virtual poster session.
  • Tchuem, O., J. Chartrand, et J. M. Thériault  (2020). Occurrences of precipitation events associated with a transient snowline in the Canadian Rockies using simulations of a regional climate model. Global Water Futures Third Annual Open Science Meeting – Virtual poster session.

  • Desroches-Lapointe, A., J. M. Thériault, Z. Mariani, et N. R. Leroux (2020). Investigation of the linkage between precipitation characteristics and local wind field over complex terrain: case study at Fortress Mountain, Alberta. Global Water Futures Third Annual Open Science Meeting – Virtual poster session.

  • Chartrand, J., et J. M. Thériault (2020). Freezing rain events causing power outages in the province of New Brunswick, Canada. Global Water Futures Third Annual Open Science Meeting – Virtual poster session.

  • Smith, H. M., J. M. Thériault, S. J. Dery, H. D. Thompson, J. Pomeroy, et R. Stewart (2020). Storms and Precipitation Across the Continental Divide Experiment (SPADE): Measurements and Preliminary Results. Global Water Futures Third Annual Open Science Meeting – Virtual poster session.

  • Lachapelle, M., J. Poingt, C. D. McCray, et Julie M. Thériault (2020). Climatology of ice pellets formed through complete melting of solid precipitation over southern Quebec. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, United States.
  • Thériault, J. M., H. M. Smith, H. D. Thompson, A. Bertoncini, N. Leroux, J. Chartrand, S. J. Déry, R. E. Stewart, et J. Pomeroy (2020). Analysis of storms and precipitation across the continental divide in the Canadian Rockies. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, United States.
  • Chartrand, J., et Julie M. Thériault (2020). Extreme freezing rain events in the Province of New Brunswick, Canada, and their evolution in the future using convection-permitting simulations. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, United States.
  • Thériault, J. M., N. Leroux and R. Rasmussen. (2020). Avancement des connaissances sur la mesure de la précipitation solide. Centr’Eau Webinar series, Canada.
  • Thériault, J. M. (2020). Core Modelling: Advances in Spatial Meteorological Forcing Data. Global Water Futures – Core modelling Webinar Series, Canada.
  • Smith, H. M. J. M. Thériault, S. J. Dery, H. D. Thompson, J. Pomeroy, et R. Stewart (2020). Measurements and preliminary results from the Storms and Precipitation Across the continental Divide Experiment (SPADE). Canadian Geophysical Union Online Seminar Series.
  • Thériault, J. M., S. Marinier, et J. Chartrand (2020). Winter extreme events in eastern Canada from the CONUS simulation. National Center of Atmospheric Research – Water Cycle Across Scale Annual Retreat, Boulder, United States. 
  • Thompson, H., J. M. Thériault, M. Lachapelle, G. Dueymes, P. Gachon, et J. Gyakum (2020). The mobile urban station – MUST. Virtual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanic Society Congress. 
  • Desroches-Lapointe, A., J. M. Thériault, Z. Mariani, et N. R. Leroux (2020). Flow field and distribution of precipitation over Fortress Mountain, Alberta. Virtual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanic Society Congress.
  • Marinier, S., et J. M. Thériault (2020). Changes in winter precipitation transition regions using object-based method with convection-permitting climate simulation in a warmer climate. Virtual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanic Society Congress.
  • Cholette, M., et J. M. Thériault (2020). Changes in precipitation type distributions during the 1998 Ice Storm simulation under warmer conditions using the Pseudo Global Warming approach. Virtual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanic Society Congress.
  • Chartrand, J., et J. M. Thériault (2020). Freezing rain vents impacting the Province of New Brunswick, Canada and their evolution in a warmer climate. Virtual Canadian Meteorological and Oceanic Society Congress.
  • Thériault, J. M. (2020). Tempêtes et précipitation à des températures proches de 0°C. Séminaire Laboratoire de recherche informatique LATECE, Montreal, Québec, Canada. [Invitée]
  • Lachapelle, M., et J. M. Thériault (2020). Measurements of hazardous winter precipitation in the St. Lawrence River Valley. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
  • Thériault, J. M., H. Smith, H. Thompson, A. Bertoncini, A. Desroches-Lapointe, C. Hébert-Pinard, S. J. Déry, J. W. Pomeroy, et R. E. Stewart (2020). Observed precipitation and weather conditions across the continental divide in the Canadien Rockies. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
  • Hébert-Pinard, C., J. M. Thériault, H. Smith, et H. Thompson (2020). Comparison of the precipitation characteristics across the continental divide in the Canadian Rockies. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
  • Chartrand, J., et J. M. Thériault (2020). Winter storms and associated precipitation causing power outages over the Province of New Brunswick, Canada. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.


  • Thériault, J. M., S. J. Déry, J. W. Pomeroy, R. E. Stewart, J. Almonte, A. Bertoncini, C. Carton, A. Desroches-Lapointe, C. Hébert-Pinard, S. Mitchell, J. Morris, et H. Thompson (2019). Overview of the Storms and Precipitation Across the Continental Divide Experiment (SPADE) during May and June 2019. International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM), Riva del Garda, Italy.
  • Thériault, J. M. (2019). Update on precipitation events in the Canadian Rockies. Mountain Water Futures Annual Meeting, Canmore, Alberta.
  • Thériault, J. M. (2019) Precipitation types and events impacting N-B Power infrastructure. Climate-related precipitation extremes Annual workshop, Regina, Saskatoon, Canada
  • Marinier, S., et J. M. Thériault (2019). Climatology of freezing rain over eastern Canada using convection-permitting climate simulations in a warmer climate context. International Union on Geodesey and Geophysics (IUGG), Montreal, Québec, Canada.
  • Cholette, M., J. M. Thériault, J. A. Milbrandt, et H. Morrison (2019). Simulations of the 1998 North Americn Ice Storm using the Prediction of the buldk liquid fraction of mixed-phase particles, International Union on Geodesey and Geophysics (IUGG), Montreal, Québec, Canada.
  • Tchuem, O., et J. M. Thériault (2019). Precipitation events associated with rain-snow transitions in the Canadian Rockies using regional climate simulations. International Union on Geodesey and Geophysics (IUGG), Montreal, Québec, Canada.
  • Thériault, J. M., S. J. Déry, J. W. Pomeroy, et R. E. Stewart (2019). Storms and Precipitation Across the continental Divide Experiment (SPADE). Global Water Futures Inception meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Bertoncini, A., J. W. Pomeroy, et J. M. Thériault (2019). From the ground to space: An analysis of satellite solid precipitation estimates based on multi-technique ground observations. Integrated Modelling Program for Canada (IMPC), 2nd Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Thériault, J. M., S. J. Déry, J. W. Pomeroy, R. E. Stewart, J. Almonte, A. Bertoncini, C. Carton, A. Desroches-Lapointe, C. Hébert-Pinard, S. Mitchell, J. Morris, et H. Thompson (2019). Storms and Precipitation Across the continental Divide Experiment (SPADE): Overview of the experiment. Global Water Futures Annual Science Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Tchuem, O.,  et J. M. Thériault (2019). Climatology of the precipitation events associated with a transition snowline in the Canadian Rockies using regional climate simulations. Global Water Futures Annual Science Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Chartrand, J., V. McFadden, M. St-Pierre, et J. M. Thériault (2019). Precipitation types and weather conditions impacting N-B Power infrastructure. Global Water Futures Annual Science Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.


  • Thériault, J. M., R. Laprise, O. Nikiema, M. St-Pierre, K. Winger, et D. Matte (2018). Preliminary analysis of convection-permitting climate model simulations using the Canadian Regional Climate Model over the Canadian Rockies. GEWEX Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop II, Boulder, United States.
  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, B. Kochtubajda, V. McFadden, et B. Tropea (2018). Meteorological factors and icing on structures. Global Water Futures – Annual Science Meeting, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Thériault, J. M., H. Wheater, J. M. Pomeroy, R. E. Stewart, S. Carey, C. Debeer, et Y. Li (2018). The Changing Cold Regions Network: Atmospheric, Cryospheric, Ecological and Hydrological Change in the Saskatchewan and Mackenzie River Basins, Canada. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Halifax, Canada.
  • McFadden, V., et J. M. Thériault (2018). Simulations of the ice storm in the Maritime Provinces on 24-26 January 2017. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Halifax, Canada.
  • Mekis, E., R. E. Stewart, B. Bonsal, B. Kochtubajda, et J. M. Thériault (2018). Assessment of near 0°C temperature and precipitation characteristics across Canada. 8th GEWEX Open Science Conference: Extremes and water on the edge, Canmore, Canada.
  • Matte, D., J. M. Thériault, et R. Laprise (2018). Mixed precipitation occurrences over southern Québec, Canada, with warmer climate conditions using a Regional Climate Model. 8th GEWEX Open Science Conference: Extremes and water on the edge, Canmore, Canada.
  • Marinier, S., et J. M. Thériault (2018). Precipitation characteristics during winter storms over eastern Canada using convection-permitting climate model simulations. 8TH GEWEX Open Science Conference: Extremes and water on the edge, Canmore, Canada.
  • Thériault, J. M. (2018). Weather conditions and precipitation characteristics on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, Webinar series on Climate change, extremes and variability Part I: Newest ways of using climate models in water resource applications. Canadian Water Resources Association, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Thériault, J. M., M. Colli, et D. Caviglia (2018). Technologie intelligente pour mesurer la précipitation en milieu urbain. De l’idée à l’innovation: Transformer Montréal par la recherche: Forum économique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
  • Thériault, J. M. (2018). Weather conditions and precipitation characteristics on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) Final Workshop, Saskatoon, Canada.
  • Thériault, J. M., S. D. Déry, S. Marshall, J. W. Pomeroy, et R. E. Stewart (2018). Storms and Precipitation Across the continental Divide Experiment: An overview. Global Water Futures – Inception Meeting, Waterloo, Canada.


  • Marinier, S., et J. M. Thériault (2017). Case study of an ice pellet storm over the Toronto area in a climate change context. CMOS Congress, Toronto, Ontario, Canada [OP]
  • Matte, D., J. M. Thériault, et R. Laprise (2017). Climate change study of mixed precipitation over southern Quebec using a Regional Climate Models, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [PP]
  • St-Pierre M., J. M. Thériault, et D. Paquin (2017). Influence of the model spatial resolution on atmospheric conditions leading to freezing rain in regional climate simulations. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M. (2017). Winter precipitation types. Canadian Geophysical Union Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [Invited, OP]
  • Cholette M., J. M. Thériault, J. A. Milbrandt, et H. Morrison (2017). Simulations of ice pellets and freezing rain using an explicit parameterization of the bulk liquid fraction of ice. Canadian Network for Regional Climate and Weather Processes Annual Workshop, Montreal, Québec, Canada. [OP]
  • Marinier, S., et J. M. Thériault (2017). On the study of a major ice pellet storm in the Toronto area in a climate change context. Canadian Network for Regional Climate and Weather Processes Annual Workshop, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. [PP]
  • St-Pierre M., J. M. Thériault, et D. Paquin (2017). Influence of the model spatial resolution on atmospheric conditions leading to freezing rain in regional climate simulations. Canadian Network for Regional Climate and Weather Processes Annual Workshop, Montreal, Quebec, Canada [PP]
  • Matte D., J. M. Thériault, et R. Laprise (2017). Climate change study of mixed precipitation over southern Quebec using a Regional Climate Models. Canadian Network for Regional Climate and Weather Processes Annual Workshop, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [PP]
  • Cholette M., J. M. Thériault, J. A. Milbrandt, et H. Morrison (2017). Simulations of ice pellets and freezing rain using an explicit parameterization of the bulk liquid fraction of ice. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. [PP]


  • Thériault, J. M. (2016). Evaluation of the atmospheric conditions associated with freezing rain in past and future climate scenarios. Canadian Electricity Association’s, Climate Change Adaptation Working group meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. [Invited, OP]
  • Marinier, S., et J. M. Thériault (2016). On the study of a major ice pellet storm in the Toronto area in a climate change context. GEWEX Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop, Boulder, Colorado. [PP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Stewart, et J. Pomeroy (2016). Mountain precipitation experiment: Overview of the project and results. Changing Cold Regions Network Special Observation and Analysis Period Workshop, Saskatoon, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, M. Colli, et L. G. Lanza (2016). Examination of the collection efficiency of solid precipitation gauges based on the measured characteristics of precipitation. XVII International Conference on Cloud and Precipitation, Manchester, United Kingdom. [OP]
  • Cholette, M., J. M. Thériault, J. A. Milbrandt, et H. Morrison (2016). Simulations of freezing rain and ice pellets. XVII International Conference on Cloud and Precipitation, Manchester, United Kingdom. [OP]
  • Cholette, M., J. M. Thériault, J. A. Milbrandt, et H. Morrison (2016). Microphysics parameterization of partial melting and refreezing of ice particles. 9th International Cloud Modeling Workshop, Exeter, United Kingdom. [PP]
  • Poirier, E., et J. M. Thériault (2016). A study of rain-snow transitions in the Kananaksis Valley, Alberta. American Meteorological Society Mountain Meteorology conference, Burlington, Vermont, United States. [OP]
  • Vaquer, P., et J. M. Thériault (2016). Characteristics of winter precipitation types and associated atmospheric conditions in the Kananasksis Valley. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault J. M., V. Mcfadden, O. Nikiema, R. Laprise, et D. Paquin (2016). Evaluation of the atmospheric conditions associated with freezing rain and ice pellets produced by regional climate model simulations. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. [OP]
  • Matte, D., J. M. Thériault, et R. Laprise (2016). Climate projections of the occurrences of mixed precipitation over southern Quebec. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. [PP]
  • Matte, D., R. Laprise, J. M. Thériault, et P. Lucas-Picher (2016). Small-scale development in regional climate model simulations. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. [OP]
  • Matte D., R. Laprise, J. M. Thériault, et P. Lucas-Picher (2016). Small-scale development in regional climate model simulations, International Conference on Regional Climate – Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment ICRC-CORDEX, Stockholm, Sweden. [PP]
  • Cholette M., et J. M. Thériault (2016). Simulation of freezing rain and ice pellets. Canadian network for regional climate and weather processes Annual Workshop, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [OP]
  • Matte D., R. Laprise, J. M. Thériault, et P. Lucas-Picher (2016). Spatial spin-up of ne scales in regional climate model simulation driven by low-resolution boundary conditions. Canadian network for regional climate and weather processes Annual Workshop, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [PP]
  • Poirier, E., et J. M. Thériault (2016). Study of the rain-snow line in the Canadian Rockies, ACFAS Congress, Montreal, Quebec, Canada [OP]
  • Colli, M., J. M. Thériault, M. Stagnaro, L. G. Lanza, et R. M. Rasmussen (2016). Study of the solid precipitation wind-induced under-catch using snowfall intensity. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, M. Colli, et L. G. Lanza (2016). Examination of the catch efficiency of snow gauges based on the observed characteristics of snow. American Meteorological Society annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. [OP]


  • Duplessis, P., J. M. Thériault, R. E. Stewart, et J. Pomeory (2015). Microphysical processes associated with the formation and evolution of precipitation types during the Alberta Flooding event of June 2013. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. [OP]
  • Matte, D., R. Laprise, et J. M. Thériault (2015). Considerations on domain location according to the jump of resolution between the driving data and the nested regional climate model. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, United States. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M. (2015). Factors impacting the catch effcieincy of snow gauges. McGill Seminars, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [OP, Invited]
  • Thériault, J. M. (2015). Precipitation types and atmospheric conditions in complex terrain. Canadian Collaborative Research Network Third Annual General Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., E. Poirier, H. Sankare, et P. Duplessis (2015). Precipitation type formation and evolution in complex terrain. Canadian Collaborative Research Network Modeling Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M. (2015). Caracteristics, deformation process and measurement of winter precipitation. Ouranos Consortium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [OP, invited]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, I. Hung, P. Vaquer, J. Almonte, E. Poirier, S. Berg, E. Bresson, M. Cholette, D. Matte, L. Scaff, H. Sankare, et J. Pomeroy (2015). A precipitation experiment in the Kananaskis area of the Alberta Rockies. 33rd International Alpine Meteorology conference, Innsbruck, Austria. [OP]
  • Thériault J. M., V. Mcfadden, M. St-Pierre, D. Paquin, E. Bresson, M. Cholette, R. Laprise, et R. de Elia (2015). Analysis of freezing rain occurrence over Eastern Canada using regional climate mode simulations. Our common future under climate change, Paris, France [PP]
  • Matte D., R. Laprise, et J. M. Thériault (2015). Reducing the computational cost with muliple dynamical downscaling: a two sided coin. American Geophysical Union Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., et H. Sankare (2015). Sensitivity of snow crystal habit to the type of precipitation reaching the surface. American Geophysical Union Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault J. M., M. Cholette, et M. St-Pierre (2015). Update on the formation mechanisms and occurrence of freezing rain. Canadian network for regional climate and weather processes Annual Workshop, Montréal, Québec, Canada [OP]
  • Bresson E., R. de Elia, R. Laprise, D. Paquin, et J. M. Thériault (2015). Freezing rain over Eastern North-America: Impact of high resolution using CRCM5 model. Canadian network for regional climate and weather processes annual workshop, Montréal, Québec, Canada. [OP]
  • Colli, M., L. G. Lanza, R. Rasmussen, et J. M. Thériault (2015). Advances in the evaluation of wind-induced under catch using CFD-based simulations of snow gauge performance. European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria [OP]


  • Thériault, J. M. (2014). Update on microphysics and Alberta Flooding event. Canadian Collaborative Research Network Annual Workshop, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, J-Y. Trépanier, E. Petro, K. Ikeda, et M. Colli (2014). Examination of the Catch Efficiency of the Double Fence Intercomparison Reference (DFIR), for Snow. 17th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation, Westminster, Colorado, United States. [OP]
  • Rasmussen, R., S. Landolt, B. B. Baker, J. Kochendorfer, J. M. Thériault, et M. Colli (2014). Examination of the performance of single alter Shielded and unshielded snow gauges using observations from the Marshal Fiedl stie during the SPICE WMO field program and numerical model simulations. 17th Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation, Westminster, Colorado, United States. [OP]
  • Colli M., L. G. Lanza, R. Rasmussen, et J. M. Thériault (2014). Wind induced errors on solid precipitation measurements: an evaluation using time-dependent turbulence simulations. European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria. [OP]
  • St-Pierre, M., et J. M. Thériault (2014). Water saturation curve used on the ice crystal growth diagram. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Rimouski, Québec, Canada. [PP]
  • Sankare, H., et J. M. Thériault (2014). Sensitivity of snowflake types on the production of freezing rain and ice pellets. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Rimouski, Québec, Canada. [PP]
  • Cholette, M., J. M. Thériault, et R. Laprise (2014). Implication of model resolution on the production of freezing rain. Canadian network for regional climate and weather processes Annual Workshop, Montréal, Québec, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M. (2014). Winter precipitation and overview of glacier fields in Canada. WRF-Glacier Workshop, Bergen, Norway. [OP, Invited]
  • Thériault, J. M., S. Boodoo, R. Goodson, B. Kochtubajda, Y. Li, R. E. Stewart, et K. Szeto (2014). The June 2013 Alberta flooding event: Climatology, synoptic conditions and precipitation fields. Canadian Collaborative Research Network workshop on Extreme Weather and Hydrology, Canmore, Alberta, Canada. [OP]


  • Thériault, J. M. (2013). Process studies, OLYMPEX planning meeting, Seattle, Washington, United States. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M. (2013). Winter Precipitation Type Studies, OLYMPEX meeting, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M. (2013). Winter Precipitation Types: Simulations and Observations. FRQNT Workshop strategic grouping, McGill University. [Invitation, OP]
  • Doyle, J., et J. M. Thériault (2013). Microphysical processes associated with the formation of Arctic mixed-phase clouds. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., J. Y. Trépanier, E. Petro, J. Hoover, R. Nitu, R. Rasmussen, et M. Coli (2013). Simulations of precipitation gauge collection efficiency. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., J. Doyle, J. A. Milbrandt, G. Thompson, et J. R. Minder (2013). Link between the direction of the valley flow and melting snow. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M. (2013). Formation processes and measurements of winter precipitation types. Regional Climate Modeling Workshop, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [OP]


  • Thériault, J. M., J. A. Milbrandt, R. Mo, et J. Doyle (2012). Sensitivity of microphysical processes to the precipitation phase transition during a winter storm during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. International Cloud and Precipitation Conference, Leipzig, Germany. [PP]
  • Thériault, J. M., J. A. Milbrandt, et J. Doyle (2012). Case 5: Orographically-enhanced winter snowstorm, International Cloud Modeling Workshop, Warsaw, Poland. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, K. Ikeda, et S. Landolt (2012). Dependence of snow gauge collection efficiency on snowflake characteristic. WMO-SPICE Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, United States. [Invited OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., J. A. Milbrandt, R. Mo,et J. Dolye (2012). Effects of microphysical processes on the wind fields over complex terrain during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [PP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, K. Ikeda, et S. Landolt (2012). Dependence of snow gauge collection efficiency on snowflake characteristic. C-SPICE Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. [Invited OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, K. Ikeda, et S. Landolt (2012). Theoretical study on the correlation between snowflake type and gauge collection efficiency. American Meteorological Society Annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. [OP]


  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, T. Smith, M. Brugman, J. Milbrandt, R. Mo, G. Isaac, P. Joe, J. Mailhot, et B. Denis (2011). A case study of diabatic cooling of melting snow during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Victoria, British Columbia, United States. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., K. Ikeda, R. Rasmussen, S. Landolt, S. Ziegler, et A. Jachcik (2011). Effects of snowflake characteristics on the collection efficiency of snow gauge. Annual American Meteorological Society Meeting, Seattle, Washington, United States. [PP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. Rasmussen, T. Smith, M. Brugman, J. Milbrandt, R. Mo, G. Isaac, P. Joe, J. Mailhot, et B. Denis (2011). Effects of diabatic cooling of melting snow: February 13-14 case study. SNOW-V10 Workshop, Deerhurst, Ontario, Canada. [OP]


  • Thériault, J. M., K. Ikeda, R. Rasmussen, S. Landolt, S. Ziegler, et A. Jachcik (2010). The relationship between snowflake characteristics and snow gauge collection efficiency. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, United States. [PP]
  • Rasmussen, R., M. Brugman, R. Mo, T. Smith, J. M. Thériault, G. Isaac, P. Joe, J. Milbrandt, J. Mailhot, et B. Denis (2010). Precipitation Nowcasting during the Vancouver 2010 Olympics: The impact of diabatic cooling of melting snow on precipitation phase and intensity. American Meteorological Society Mountain Meteorology Conference, Squaw Valley, California, United States. [OP]
  • Fisico, T. D., I. Gultepe, J. M. Thériault, K. L. Rasmussen, A. Laplante, R. E. Stewart, P. I. Joe, G. Isaac, et J. A. Milbrandt (2010). Meteorological observations of rain / snow transition made on Whistler Mountain during SNOW-V10. American Meteorological Society Mountain Meteorology Conference, Squaw Valley, California, United States. [OP]


  • Thériault, J. M., et R. E. Stewart (2008). Rain-snow boundaries along mountainsides, American Meteorological Society Mountain Meteorology Conference, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, et W. Henson (2008). On the formation of winter precipitation types, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. [OP]


  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, et W. Henson (2007). On the formation of winter precipitation types favorable for icing on structures. International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, Yokohama, Japan. [Opening OP of the workshop]


  • Thériault, J. M., et R. E. Stewart (2006). A mixed-phase precipitation simulation scheme that predicts different types of winter precipitation. European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria. [OP]


  • Thériault, J. M., et R. E. Stewart (2005). Winter precipitation types and icing at the surface. International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [OP]
  • Thériault, J. M., et R. E. Stewart (2005). Numerical studies on winter precipitation type formation. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [OP]


  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, J. A. Milbrandt, et M. K. Yau (2004). On the production of winter precipitation types and associated visibility changes. American Geophysical Union Congress, Montreal, Canada. [PP]
  • Thériault, J. M., R. E. Stewart, J. A. Milbrandt, et M. K. Yau (2004). Winter precipitation formation and its impact on visibility. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress, Edmonton, Canada [OP] 


  • Lachapelle, M., J. M. Thériault, et H. Thompson (2023). Observation data for four ice pellet events, Borealis, Version 1 [Data set] https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/TGS5HU
  • Thompson, H., J. M. Thériault, L. Rickard, S. Déry, N. Leroux, R. Stewart, V. Vionnet, M. Colli, et D. Boisvert (2023). Atmospheric and surface observation data collected during the Saint John River Experiment on Cold Season Storms. dépôt fédéré de données de recherche. https://doi.org/10.20383/103.0591


  • Lachapelle, M., B. Han, J. Minder, A. Winters, R. Baiman, J. M. Thériault et al. (2022). Manual Hydrometeor Photographs Dataset. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/D0SE-720B-K60J
  • Lachapelle, M., D. Fraser, È. Bigras, J. Gyakum, V. Meunier, J. M. Thériault et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Arboretum MRR-2 raw data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/2AB8-K6AX-3D0F
  • Lachapelle, M., D. Fraser, È. Bigras, J. Gyakum, V. Meunier, J. M. Thériault, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Gault MRR-2 Processed Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/AKWD-BRV8-R80D
  • Lachapelle, M., D. Fraser, È. Bigras, J. Gyakum, V. Meunier, J. M. Thériault, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Gault MRR-2 Raw Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/ZZ56-XVQ3-MS0X
  • Lachapelle, M., M. Girouard, H. Thompson, J. M. et Thériault, J. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: Trois-Rivieres Parsivel Disdrometer Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/7XA0-EV5N-990K
  • Lachapelle, M., M. Girouard, H. Thompson, J. M. et Thériault (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels UQAM-PK Parsivel Disdrometer Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/Y1V7-T00H-WK0X
  • Lachapelle, M., M. Girouard, H. Thompson, et J. M. Thériault (2022). CFI Climate Sentinels UQAM-PK MRR-2 Raw Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/K767-Q0K8-KQ0Y
  • Lachapelle, M., M. Girouard, H. Thompson, et J. M. Thériault (2022). CFI Climate Sentinels UQAM-PK MRR-2 Processed Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/Q8Y1-RNBD-YR0D
  • Lachapelle, M., M. Girouard, H. Thompson, et J. M. Thériault (2022). CFI Climate Sentinels Trois-Rivières MRR-Pro data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/1042-VCN5-QA0E
  • Fraser, D., È. Bigras, J. Gyakum, M. Lachapelle, V. Meunier, J. M. Thériault, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Arboretum Parsivel Disdrometer Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/2CYR-MNGB-B413
  • Fraser, D., È. Bigras, J. Gyakum, M. Lachapelle, V. Meunier, J. Thériault, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Gault Parsivel Disdrometer Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/CD06-MT3X-240W
  • Fraser, D., È. Bigras, J. Gyakum, M. Lachapelle, V. Meunier, J. M. Thériault, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Icing Detector Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/Q9WH-X9N2-EM0D
  • Girouard, M., M. Lachapelle, H. Thompson, È. Bigras, V. Meunier, D. Fraser, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Snow Depth Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/WPTV-N67S-E60N
  • Girouard, M., M. Lachapelle, J. M. Thériault, J. Gyakum, È. Bigras, V. Meunier, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Hotplate Precipitation Gauge data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/BTZ8-RH82-PS12
  • Han, B., J. Minder, A. Winters, R. Baiman, J. M. Thériault, M. Lachapelle, et al. (2022). Manual Hydrometeor Observation Reports. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/68S9-0EBB-5A0D
  • Low, Y., M. Lachapelle, C. Kinnard, J. Gyakum, È. Bigras, V. Meunier, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Pressure, Wind, Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Precipitation Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/GR1K-QDS4-NK11
  • Low, Y., M. Lachapelle, J. Gyakum, È. Bigras, V. Meunier, J. M. Thériault, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX: CFI Climate Sentinels Pyranometer and Radiation Data. Version 1.0 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/D9W9-W7FH-AH05
  • Winters, A., J. Minder, B. Han, J. M. Thériault, M. Lachapelle, J. Gyakum, et al. (2022). WINTRE-MIX Field Collected Sounding Data. Version 3.0 (Version 3.0) [Data set]. UCAR/NCAR – Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/DN6Q-VKKE-V002
  • McCray, C., D. Paquin, J. M. Thériault, et É. Bresson (2022). Annual frequencies of freezing rain diagnosed from the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5) for the past and future climates. dépôt fédéré de données de recherche. https://doi.org/10.20383/103.0575


  • Thériault, J. M., S. Déry, J. Pomeroy, R. Stewart, H. Smith, H. Thompson, A. Bertoncini, A. Desroches-Lapointe, C. Hébert-Pinard, S. Mitchell, J. Morris, J. Almonte, M. Lachapelle, Z. Mariani, et C. Carton (2020) Meteorological observations and measurements collected during the Storms and Precipitation Across the continental Divide Experiment (SPADE), April – June 2019. dépôt fédéré de données de recherche. https://doi.org/10.20383/101.0221